Depends::Details Namespace Reference

This namespace contains implementation details user code should know about. More...


struct  CircularReferenceException
 Thrown when a circular reference is created. More...
struct  reverse_tag
 It's a tag, folks! More...
struct  IteratorBase
 Base of the bidirectional iterators for the DAG. More...
struct  Iterator
 A forward-moving bidirectional iterator for the DAG. More...
struct  ReverseIterator
 A backward-moving bidirectional iterator for the DAG. More...
struct  ValueCompare
 Helper functor that compares the values stored by a node. More...
struct  CompareNodesByContents
struct  Node
 A node, as stored in the DAG. More...
struct  ScopedFlag
 Helper class that sets and unsets a flag using RAII. More...
struct  SortPred
 Predicate for sorting nodes by score. More...
struct  Unlinker
 Unlinks all nodes from a given target. More...
struct  EmptyFunctor
 Default, no-op, functor. More...
struct  IncScoreFunctor
 Functor to increment a node's score with a visitor. More...
struct  DecScoreFunctor
 Functor to decrement a node's score with a visitor. More...
struct  RetrieveTargets
 Functor to retrieve all the targets of all the nodes encountered during the visit. More...
struct  NodeVisitor
 Visitor that will automagically visit an entire DAG. More...

Detailed Description

This namespace contains implementation details user code should know about.

In most cases, you won't need anything from this namespace yourself, but the implementation relies on the classes in this namespace being visible. Hence, the classes in this namespace are not fully documented.

Generated on Sat Aug 11 11:56:06 2007 for Depends by  doxygen 1.5.1